Author Archives: admin

WBE Certified with the City of Baltimore

Delta Utility Services, Inc., is proud to announce that we are officially certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) with the City of Baltimore.

The City of Baltimore promotes equal business opportunities in their contracting processes, encouraging full and equitable participation by minority and women owned enterprises.

You can find us in the MBE/WBE Directory, which lists WBE certified businesses. As a certified WBE contractor, we are committed to serving the greater Baltimore area with excellence.

Work Boot Program

In January 2017 Delta renewed its commitment to workplace safety with new boots.

“As in years past,” said President Amy Burns, “we celebrate the opportunity to serve the people who matter most—our employees.”

This year many have expressed thanks for the continued support. It continues because this generation of leaders has had the experience needed to stay focused on people.

Stephen Burns remarked, “As someone who has stood on a ladder for ten hours a day, I appreciate the comfort of new boots.”

Delta plans to continue the tradition starting again next January. Delta has held this tradition since 2003.

Delta Attends the 2016 Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance Conference

Leaders in Sustainability

In September we sent Vito Capuano and Stephen Burns to the Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance (EUISSCA) 2016 Conference in New Orleans. This was an opportunity to learn from industry leaders in sustainability. The presentations exhibited applications of sustainable operations, vendor selection, and tools to improve sustainability. Some of the vendors that we regularly work with presented how their products are sustainably manufactured, how sustainability has precipitated product improvement and cost savings, and how the environment has benefited.

Sustainable Operations and Supply Choices

Thanks to the presentations and materials available from EUISSCA, Delta continues to learn and incorporate the best practices of utility companies from across the United States into its operations and supply choices. Delta is pleased to report that its vendors have implemented improvements toward sustainable manufacturing.

Industry Best Practices

This conference exhibited how excitement is strong for sustainable products and services. We share in the interest of an improved sustainability program and offer our pledge of continued support for the Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance.

Delta Utility Services attends the 2016 Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance conference in New Orleans.

2016 Alliance Sustainable Sourcing Conference

As a leader in the utility industry, we’re always eager to learn about the latest developments in our field and to implement them in our work. One way we keep on the forefront of what’s happening is by attending industry-essential conferences. We’re excited to participate in the upcoming 2016 Alliance Sustainable Sourcing Conference in New Orleans.

The Alliance

This 2-day conference (September 28–29) is presented by the Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance. The Alliance is a leader in sustainability, with a vision to improve the utility supply chain for future generations. We share their commitment to finding cost-effective solutions and to advancing best industry practices.

Networking Opportunities

We look forward to networking with other electrical utility companies that will be attending. This national conference will provide opportunities to connect through more intimate group interactions.

Joint Sustainability Efforts

Protecting the environment is important to us, and this conference will teach us how to be even more effective in our efforts. We want to contribute as much as we can to sustainability in the utility industry.